Month: November 2016

Migrant Labor Nepal

Legal deadline problems for migrants workers (Nepali)

हदम्यादको झमेला वैदेशिक रोजगार ऐन तथा नियमावली र व्यवसायीको आफ्नै नियमका कारण कैयौं कामदारहरू आफूले पाउनुपर्ने क्षतिपूर्ति तथा आर्थिक सहायताबाट वञ्चित भएका छन् । वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जाने बेला जानकारी नदिइने त्यस्ता थरीथरीका हदम्यादले कामदारहरू झुक्किने गरेका छन् । वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जाँदा कामदारलाई समस्या परे कुन निकायमा उजुरी/निवेदन दिने र त्यसको हदम्याद कति हुन्छ भन्ने जानकारी […]

Migrant Labor Nepal

Nepal’s Agenda on GFMD to be held Dhaka (Nepali)

जीएफएमडीमा नेपालले श्रम सम्झौताको विषय उठाउने नेपालले अगामी ‘प्रवासन र विकाससम्बन्धी विश्व मञ्च (जीएफएमडी)’ सम्मेलनमा कामदार पठाउने र मगाउने राष्ट्रबीच द्विपक्षीय सम्झौता (बीएलए) गर्नुपर्ने विषय उठाउने भएको छ । आप्रवासी कामदारले समस्या भोग्दै आए पनि तिनको समाधान हुन नसकेको भन्दै नेपालले कामदारका अधिकार सुरक्षित गर्न बीएलएमा जोड दिन लागेको हो । जीएफएमडीका लागि नेपालका ‘फोकल’ […]

Migrant Labor Nepal

Human trafficking and foreign employment (Nepali)

वैदेशिक रोजगारीभित्रको मानव बेचबिखन देशको मुख्य प्रशासनिक केन्द्र सिंहदरबारभित्र दुई मिनेटको पैदल दूरीका पर्छन्– श्रम तथा रोजगार मन्त्रालय र महिला, बालबालिका तथा समाज कल्याण मन्त्रालय । श्रम मन्त्रालयले हेर्न एक महत्त्वपूर्ण क्षेत्रमध्ये वैदेशिक रोजगार छ भने महिला मन्त्रालयले मानव बेचबिखन तथा ओसारपसार नियन्त्रण । श्रम मन्त्रालय अन्तर्गत वैदेशिक रोजगार ऐन र महिला मन्त्रालय अन्तर्गत मानव […]

Bangladesh Migrant Labor

GFMD and global partnership for women’s safe migration

GFMD and global partnership for women’s safe migrationThe foreign ministry of Bangladesh recently briefed the heads of diplomatic missions in Dhaka on the upcoming 3-day ninth summit of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) to be held on December 10-12, 2016. The theme of this year’s summit is: “Migration that works for Sustainable […]

Migrant Labor Nepal

Who guards the guards?

SENTRY DUTY: After retiring from the Nepal Army, Dhan Singh Dhami worked in Afghanistan 2004-2015 as a security guard for an American contractor. He wanted to go back to Kabul, but is stuck in Kathmandu (overleaf) even after the ban on Nepalis working in Afghanistan was lifted last month.

Simplifying the recruitment process and easing restrictions will help Nepalis working in Afghanistan more than a blanket ban Dhan Singh Dhami could have been at his duty station as a security guard in Afghanistan by now, but a four-month ban on Nepalis working in the war-torn country delayed his plan. After the death of 13 […]

Malaysia Migrant Labor Nepal

The Cycle of Migration

FOLLOWING FATHER: After his father Man Bahadur Limbu returned from Malaysia, 20-year-old Prakash Limbu went to work as a migrant worker.

Man Bahadur Limbu went to Malaysia in 2002, hoping to escape poverty and war. He worked in a factory for four years and was allowed to visit his family only once, in 2004. He endured the burden of a loan, inhuman working conditions and separation from family. Man Bahadur, a fifth-grade dropout, ploughed his savings […]