Category: Migrant Labor

Bangladesh Malaysia Migrant Labor

Undocumented Bangladeshi migrant workers face tough time in Malaysia

To avoid arrests, illegal/ undocumented workers in Malaysia are now living in forests and abandoned warehouses. Since they don’t have a visa or employment papers, they are in conflict with the police. On one hand, helpless Bangladeshi migrant workers are not getting jobs; on the other hand they cannot pay back the money they have […]

Bangladesh Migrant Labor

Migration, media and remittance

It is estimated that one out of every seven people on earth, more than one billion individuals are directly impacted by remittances Migration, media and remittance are interlinked. If safe migration is ensured, and if we get the total remittances through formal way/ proper channel, the whole scenario of migration will be positively changed, and […]

Migrant Labor Nepal

राहतमा विभेद (Nepali)

वैदेशिक रोजगार विभागबाट श्रम स्वीकृत लिएर इसुवा साफी बिदा हुन धनुषाको नवाखोर पर्साई–२ स्थित घर पुग्छन् । कतार जान लागेका उनले जहाजको टिकट पनि लिइसकेका हुन्छन् । ३२ वर्षीय साफी घरमा भेटघाट गरेर काठमाडौं फर्किन ‘नाइट बस’ को टिकट पनि किन्छन् । राजधानी नफर्किंदै अचानक उनलाई घरमै ज्वरोले च्याप्छ । परिवारले उपचारका लागि छिमेकी दरभंगा […]

Malaysia Migrant Labor Nepal

Illegal, ill-treated

Nepali workers are unlawfully forced to become ‘illegal’ by unscrupulous employers, recruiters and the government. When Malaysia launched a massive crackdown on illegal migrant workers in 2014, thousands of Nepalis without passports here were left with only two options: return home or get arrested. To return home without passports, Nepali workers would require travel documents. […]

Migrant Labor Nepal

MOU on Employment Fund for Migrant Workers signed (Nepali)

वैदेशिक रोजगारमा रहेका कामदारलाई कर्मचारी सञ्चय कोषमा आबद्ध गर्न सञ्चय कोष र गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघ (एनआरएनए) बीच सझदारी पत्र (एमओयू) मा हस्ताक्षर भएको छ । हाल विचाराधीन अवस्थामा रहेको ‘कर्मचारी सञ्जय कोष ऐनलाई संशोधन गर्न बनेको विधेयक’ पारित भएपछि वैदेशिक रोजगारमा कार्यरत कामदार कोषमा समेटिने छन् । सञ्चय कोषको मुख्यालय पुल्चोकमा आयोजित कार्यक्रममा कोषका प्रशासक […]

India Jordan Migrant Labor

Despite Jordan’s Efforts, There Is A Long Way To Go To Ensure Protection For Domestic Workers

South Asian workers from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh working in Jordanian garment factories in Dhulail Industrial City. Courtesy: Rina Mukherji.

When Meilani Yuswandari, an Indonesian from Jakarta, completed her higher secondary education, she began looking for work abroad. During her search, Yuswandari met a recruiting agent who assured her of an office job in Jordan. But when she reached the country in 2011, she realised that the office job she was promised did not exist. […]